This page is to guide you towards some work by the key creative partners that is related to Vote With Your Feet.
Tim has been engaged as a technical/creative collaborator in several prior multiscreen projects. Vote With Your Feet adds scale and reach to his existing work.
Heads – with Steve Chamberlain
Heads was a new type of interactive multiscreen experience at The Public in West Bromwich. Visitors could upload pictures from their mobiles using Bluetooth or email. Heads then extracted the faces, which became part of a multi-screen animation.
It’s the Skin You’re Living In
An app that plays Fevered Sleep’s multiscreen film about climate change, across any number of iPhones: for viewing with friends.
For more info about Tim Kindberg see
Kicking the Mic, made with Lee J Malcolm, demonstrated Interactive and evolving music. This trailer was filmed using Nth Screen as part of the development of its applications.
As choreographer and core collaborator on Hidden Fields: Danceroom Spectroscopy, Laura developed an expertise in interactive and evolving visuals and finessing the invitation for public participation in large scale interactive work.
You can find out more about Laura at Guerilla Dance Project
Rik has made multiscreen videos since the 1980’s, like Strickley Trigalig, 1985, below, which was shown on an arrangement of TV’s like that above:
In The Memory Dealer, 2013, below, he used multisceeen images projected on objects.
You can find out more about Rik at
Click here for the Vote With Your Feet Moodboard.
Click here to see the Nth Screen platform at work.