Mood board
Tim Kindberg
Tim has been engaged as a technical/creative founder and collaborator in several prior video mosaicing and multiscreen projects. The Part of Me That You Don’t See adds scale and investigation of identity issues to his existing work.
Vorb – the platform Tim made for creating interactive video spheres from films collected by hashtag.
Time for Rights – a commission to engage young people around the world about the human right they care about the most. The 180 videos gathered from 12 countries became the Sphere of Rights, which led to Vorb.
Nth Screen – the platform Tim made with help from Mandy Rose and Charlotte Crofts for filming in sync together and making video mosaics.
For more info about Tim Kindberg see
Hazel Grian
Nth Bird – a multiscreen film about birds and birdsong emanating from mobile phones, by Hazel Grian on the Nth Screen platform and produced by Tim Kindberg and Charlotte Crofts.
For more info about Hazel Grian see
Christopher Bennett
Mood Board